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Sponsorship Opportunities

Robbinsville Little League Sponsorship

Sponsoring RLL is an investment in youth sports, the Robbinsville community, and your business. Sponsorship provides a tremendous value by directly marketing your services to a growing consumer segment of local parents. Just think, our parents will remember your organization’s name and business because they will see it weekly for four months.

Contact Information 
[email protected]

Sponsorship Opportunities for 2025 Season

  • League Team –Sponsorship for one RLL team. Little League Team will be named after the sponsor. Team will be one baseball or softball team from the following RLL groups: T-Ball ages 4-6, Rookie 6-8, Minors 8-10 or Majors 10-12 League. If you have a preference of a team or league, please notify Fundraising Officer at the submission of your sponsorship form; otherwise, we cannot guarantee your selection. Sponsor will receive a team picture and jersey upon request on registration form.

  • Tournament Team – Sponsorship for one RLL tournament (All-Star) team that will compete in postseason tournament play that takes place at local, regional, and state levels. Team jerseys will recognize the sponsor. Sponsor will receive a team jersey upon request on registration form.

  • Outfield Signs – 3 feet x 5 feet canvas banner to be hung on the outfield fence. Image, logo and/or banner design should be high resolution file in PDF or EPS format delivered to [email protected]. Regarding banner design: less is more and large print, bold fonts are recommended. It is highly encouraged that the letters and image are recognizable from roughly 200+ feet away viewer. Tantum Park has 4 fields that Robbinsville Little League uses throughout the season. However, there are 2 primary fields used; one for baseball and one for softball. Those two fields are where sponsorship banners are displayed along the outfield fences.

  • Digital Sponsor Packages – These packages pertain to additional advertising features through RLL’s website and social media platforms. These packages are only available to organizations sponsoring teams.

  • Tournament Sponsor - Your organization will receive exclusive recognition during a local tournament hosted by Robbinsville Little League over a 4-5 day period. Your organization will be listed as the primary sponsor of the tournament. Signage and recognition will include: Banner sign behind Homeplate welcoming families to the tournament in addition to yard signs strategically place throughout Tantum Park. These tournaments include teams from all the surrounding communities making them a prime attraction for excellent advertising while supporting the Robbinsville community.

  • Foul Poles –Tantum Park has two primary fields that include two foul poles at each field. Each pole is able to be sponsored and customized to become an advertisement. This sponsorship would last for 3 years and can be paid in installments if necessary.

  • Scoreboard Signs – Tantum Park has four fields in total; each has a scoreboard eligible for sponsorship. If interested, contact Fundraising Officer directly. If both primary scoreboards are unavailable, RLL will consider creating a separate billboard-like sign for sponsor as alternative.

Local Sponsors

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